Philosophy of care

"Modern nursing care of the elderly should be about mobilization, not bed care; it should be about regaining and maintaining skills and abilities, not acceptance of less than the older individual's maximum functional level. Underlying such dynamic nursing care of the old is comfort and support" (Wells, T.J.1980)).


Hunter, K. F., & Wagg, A. (2018). Improving nurse engagement in Continence Care. Nursing: Research and Reviews, Volume 8, 1–7.

Hunter, K. F., & Dahlke, S. (2021). Nurse and health care aide knowledge of urinary continence promotion and management in hospitalized older people. Journal of Wound, Ostomy & Continence Nursing, 48(5), 435–439.

McCann, M., Kelly, A. M., Eustace-Cook, J., Howlin, C., & Daly, L. (2021). Community nurses’ attitudes, knowledge and educational needs in relation to urinary continence, continence assessment and management: A systematic review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 31(7-8), 1041–1060.

Wells, T. J. (1980). Problems in geriatric nursing care: A study of nurses problems in care of old people in Hospitals. Churchill Livingston.
