Accreditation statement: RnCeus Interactive LLC. is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation (ANCC).
To ensure that your contact hours are accepted nationwide, maintains ANCC accreditation as well as the following state accreditations:
Relevant relationships - This enduring nursing continuing professional development course is designed and presented exclusively by RnCeus Interactive, LLC.
Contact Hours - Learners who successfully fulfill all requirements are eligible to procure a 3.00 contact hour certificate of completion:
Course Expiration - This course will be reviewed, revised or retired on or before 4/25/2026
Target audience - This enduring continuing nursing education activity is intended to meet the ethical and jurisprudence requirement for nurse license renewal in the State of Texas, and for all nurses interested in learning more about the legal and ethical environment governing the practice of nursing.
Terms of Use - must not be used as a substitute for medical advice nor an exclusive source of professional development information.