
Hepatitis C is a liver disease caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV). HCV is a bloodborne virus. Transmission can happen through sharing needles, syringes, or other drug-injection equipment; from gestational transfer, parent to baby, during pregnancy or at birth; or rarely through sexual contact.

HCV in the USA

Acute Hepatitis C in 2021

graphicThe number of reported cases of acute hepatitis C has doubled since 2014 (129% increase), and during 2021 increased 5% from 2020. During 2021, rates of acute hepatitis C were highest among males, persons aged 20–39 years, non-Hispanic American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) persons, and those living in the Eastern and Southeastern states. Among cases with risk information reported, the most common was injection drug use.


Instant Feedback:
What percent of persons with chronic HCV infection will develop lethal liver cancer?
1% to 5%
15% to 25%
60% to 70%
75% to 85%


CDC. (2023) Hepatitis C Surveillance 2021. accessed from

Chou, R., Dana, T., Fu, R., Zakher, B., Wagner, J., Ramirez, S., et al. (2020).  Screening for Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Adolescents and Adults: A Systematic Review Update for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Evidence Synthesis No. 188. AHRQ Publication No. 19-05256- EF-1.

Edlin BR, Eckhardt BJ, Shu MA, Holmberg SD, Swan T. (2015). Toward a more accurate estimate of the prevalence of hepatitis C in the United States. Hepatology. 62(5):1353-63.

Minnesota Department of Health (2019). Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Information for Health Care Providers.

Ryerson, A.B., Schillie, S., Barker, L.K., Kupronis, B.A., Wester, C. (2020). Vital Signs: Newly Reported Acute and Chronic Hepatitis C Cases ― United States, 2009–2018. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020;69:399–404

U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Sevices, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD & TB Prevention, Division of Viral Hepatitis. Guide to Comprehensive Hepatitis C Counseling and Testing.
